Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I’m Iris.
I’m a wife and mom of two trying to simplify as much as possible by reevaluating different areas of my life that seem overstuffed. My goal is to declutter areas of my home and lifestyle so I can focus on what matters most.
Before I became a stay-at-home mom, I worked as an editor. (I still freelance when I can.) So naturally, I went from editing content to editing my stuff. Surprisingly, the same concepts apply to both.
Friends and family accuse me of being “really organized.” What they don’t know is that there are spaces in my home that are complete disasters. Here I’ll explore the reality of being someone who leans toward minimalism but hoards the sentimental stuff. Yes, it is actually possible to be both a minimalist and a hoarder. My home is proof of that!
And I’d like to do all of the above while also treading lightly on the planet. It’s a tall order but I think it’s possible with a little creativity and some planning.
I’ll share my attempts at letting go of the clutter in order to enjoy the real treasures hidden under all the piles. My hope is that my trial-and-error method of organizing, decluttering and simplifying will help and inspire you to tackle your own stuff and feel more in control of your home and your life.
Join me on my journey toward simple!